Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rosary against PP

Dear RTL friends,

It's been dubbed the "Abortion Fortress", and it sounds like something out ofsome campy pulp fiction book, except it's actually true:

In the last few months, Planned Parenthood has pulled some sort ofprobably-illegal stealth operation, has bought land under a FAKE NAME, and thenbuilt a huge 'clinic' there. ...'Clinic,' as in bulletproof windows, high brickwalls, tons of security cameras, and, it seems, INDOOR PARKING so that motherswon't be able to listen to any possible pro-lifers outside trying to convincethem not to abort.

The fact that Planned Parenthood was so secretive about all this should tell yousomething .... Honestly, the whole thing sounds really creepy. It's set toopen in four days.

The Bishop of Rockford, IL, Bishop Doran, has asked that this Friday the 14th bea day of "prayer and penance" for an end to abortion, and ESPECIALLY to stop theimminent opening of this huge new Planned Parenthood center that will no doubtresult in thousands of deaths and shattered lives.

Therefore, RTL will pray a ROSARY at 3 PM at the GROTTO, for this intention.Please also offer up all of your sacrifices tomorrow for the sake of stoppingthis new Planned Parenthood scheme.

Thanks to Philip for the heads-up; also, here's one of the many links to the story:,2_1_AU11_CLINIC_S1.article
Please all keep this in your prayers.

Spiritual Commissioner

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